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Weekly News – 7th September 2020

National Masters Track and Field championships: The National Masters T+F championships were held in Santry on Sunday. Donal Mulligan lined up in the 1500m and acquitted himself well finishing 5th over a distance far shorter than he would normally race in. Paddy Sharkey was in the 5000m for his first ever track race and put in a fine run placing 6th. Kevin Ward took on the Kerry Way 58km Ultra on Saturday from Sneem to Killarney. On an undulating but picturesque course, Kevin showed his strength finishing in the top 25 of 120. Well done lads.

Congrats: Congratulations to Lorcan and Namitha who were married on Saturday. Lorcan is one of our longest-serving club and committee members. Wishing you both best wishes for your future married life together.

Juvenile Training: An email has been sent to parents of the 70 returning juveniles with information regarding the resumption of outdoor Juvenile Athletics training. The sports hall Little Athletics will not return in September. Due to the restrictions set by the guidelines, we would not be able to ensure the coaching of the fundamentals of athletics in a fun and safe environment. We will review this again in January.

Senior Training: Our Tuesday evening session on September 15th will take place on the cross country course at Moyne Community School at 6.30pm. All members welcome particularly those interested in racing during the cross country season. The regular weekly intervals will resume on September 22nd meeting at the Mall at 7pm.